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13 John's Songs MP3 (Downloadable)


John Hardwick - 13 MP3 Songs (including Voices)


13 of John's songs as MP3 download tracks (Including the voices! Backing tracks to the same songs are also available)including 'For God So Loved the World, God's People and a Band of Angels. See the full list below.   

This is a download purchase.

1. A Band of Angels

2. Be Kind and Compassionate 

3. Champions Theme Song

4. Down in the Jungle

5. Encourage one another

6. For God So Loved the World 

7. God's People  

8. Go, Go Go  

9.  Great Joy 

10. If God is for us 

11. 'I'm gonna run'  straight towards the goal  

12. It was good, very, very good!  

13. I will Praise You! 

13 of John's Songs MP3's

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