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Champions Holiday Club  (I only have a few hard copies of this book left so please see  'Champions PDF Download Book' found in the shop on this website and cheaper than the hard copy!  (google this link or find it in my shop) )

A five-day holiday club, complete and ready-to-run.  VBS Theme / Curriculum / Vocation Bible School

This book contains all you need for another complete and easy-to-run five-day holiday club (like 'Junior Heroes!') for 5-11's based on the theme of the Olympics.

Including songs, bible stories (parables), theme illustrations, daily drama/adventure story, puppet sketches, quizzes, crafts, games and fun sheets for younger and older children.

Book Contents in Detail
This book contains all you need for an off-the-peg, easy-to-run holiday club for 5-11s with a great atmosphere and loads of fun. Inside you’ll find all the ingredients for a five-day programme, including songs, theme illustrations, daily dramas, puppet sketches, Bible stories, quizzes, crafts, games and fun sheets for younger and older children.

Champions uses the analogy of the Olympic games to explore how Jesus ‘ran the race’ for God. It is designed to encourage children also to run that race, running straight towards the goal and finishing the race in order to win the ultimate prize of eternal life. This is the prize that God offers to each one of us through the work of his Son, Christ Jesus.

The five Bible stories are taken from the life of Jesus in the Gospels and link into the memory verses, which all come from the Epistles.

·  Day 1: Direction: the boy Jesus in the temple

·  Day 2: Distraction: the temptation of Jesus

·  Day 3: Dedication: Jesus heals a paralysed man

·  Day 4: Determination: Jesus’ death and resurrection

·  Day 5: Decoration: Jesus’ ascension—alive and victorious!

The ideas in this book can also be adapted for all-age worship, junior church and after-school/midweek clubs.

Eden Recommendations: This resource is absolutely packed with, well... everything! Plus it’s very adaptable and flexible. John Hardwick never fails to balance play, laughter & learning with perfection. Ideal for churches with limited space, leaders who need a no-hassle resource. (Suitable for age 5-11's)

Champion Bible Stories and Songs CD

Is a CD of Bible Stories and Songs that go along with John Hardwick's Champions holiday club theme. 

The Bible stories and songs can be enjoyed by all children whether they've had a 'Champions Holiday Club' or not. 

It is a Master CD so you are allowed to copy up to 40 copies to give to children at your Church clubs are as a party bag filler. (If you want to copy more then please do and send John a donation of around £10 for every 40 copied)

Please Note - This book is now available as a PDF book -  found in the shop on this website or google this link 

Champions (Holiday Club)

SKU: CHA129986
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