The Starship Discovery Holiday Club blasts off into space to explore five characteristics of Peter -- fisherman and disciple. Starship Discovery Space Themed VBS Holiday Club Download book
The five sessions cover Simon Peter's Journey of Discovery when he chooses to follow Jesus! The themes are as follows:
Day 1: Blast off into Space - TURNING.
Day 2: Beam Me Up! - TRUSTING.
Day 3: Black Hole - TRIPPING!Day
Day 4: Break Through - TRANSFORMED!
Day 5: Battle Stations - TRAINING!
The theme is explored through an exciting mix of songs, up-front talks, theme illustrations, team challenges, daily dramas with the ever-popular Watt family, crafts, games, puppet sketches, dramatised Bible stories, quizzes, and fun sheets, all provided off-the-peg and ready to roll.
Eden Recommendations: John Hardwick's resources are absolutely packed with, well... everything! Plus it’s very adaptable and flexible. John Hardwick never fails to balance play, laughter & learning with perfection. Ideal for churches, that need a no-hassle resource. (Suitable for age 5-11's) Organised into five two-hour holiday club sessions, the theme is explored through an exciting mix of songs, up-front talks, theme illustrations, and team challenges, daily dramas with the ever-popular Watt family, crafts, games, puppet sketches, dramatised Bible stories, quizzes, and fun sheets, all provided off-the-peg and ready to roll. There are also tips for setting up your holiday club, suggested programme outlines, music notation for all the songs, and templates for posters, badges, invitations, and registration sheets.
Join the Watt Family on an adventure through space on the Starship Discovery!
Day One: Blast off!
The theme for today is ‘Turning’. Peter was just going about his daily life and then Jesus - then Peter's true-life adventure begins.
Day Two: Beam me up!
The theme for today is ‘Trusting’. Peter steps out of the boat and puts his trust in Jesus.
Day Three: Blackhole!
The theme for today is ‘Tripping’. No matter how hard we try, none of us is perfect – we all make mistakes and do wrong things. Peter let Jesus down very badly. but his story helps us to understand what Jesus does about the things we do to hurt him, others and ourselves.
Day Four: Breakthrough!
God has the power to transform our lives. Sometimes this happens gradually, and sometimes it happens all at once, but, however, the transformation takes place, Jesus promised that his Holy Spirit would be with us to strengthen and encourage us.
Day Four: Breakthrough!
God has the power to transform our lives. Sometimes this happens gradually, and sometimes it happens all at once, but, however, the transformation takes place, Jesus promised that his Holy Spirit would be with us to strengthen and encourage us.
Using John Hardwick's winning mix of songs, warm-up activities, The Watt Family daily drama, crafts, games, puppet sketches, Bible narrations, quizzes and fun-sheets, the material offers five sessions plus ideas for a special evening or all-age service as a conclusion to the holiday club itself.
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John Hardwick
Singer, Songwriter, Author, Performer

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