A great present for older folks who often went to Sunday School and sung some of these songs!
Meg Writes: Jo was 'Over the moon ", with your session at the nursing home. The patients thoroughly enjoyed your visit.
CD of Classic Sunday School Songs with a swing - plus a few of mine
01: Jesus bids us shine
02: Wide, wide as the ocean
03: Jesus loves a little one like me
04: Nobody is a Nobody
05: He's got the whole world
in his hands
06: The best book to read is the Bible
07: For God so loved the world
08: This little light of mine
09: God's people
10: Blind eyes Jesus made to see
11: Praise Him, Praise Him all the little children
12: Jesus never turned anyone away
13: Jesus loves the little children
14: A Sunbeam
15: Some wanna be
16: Jesus loves me this I know
17: The Wiseman build
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John Hardwick
Singer, Songwriter, Author, Performer

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